Battlebots Trip Report Pictures Page Two

Lombard Street as seen from our hotel room (you can see the Golden Gate Bridge in the back). We really lucked out this time. When I ordered the room, all the had was smoking rooms, and then when we checked in, they were out of smoking rooms, so they gave us one with a balcony. Nice! Unfortunaley I was so busy with the competition that this is about as much of San Francisco that I got to see.
Pressure drop ready for it's first match. The tube sock is our classy "safety" cover for the chisel.
A sign Curt and Amy made for the plants in the audience. Most of them (if not all) didn't get it -- "uhhh...what's ma?" Underneath the sign is thier Kill-o-Amp #1 giant foam hand.
The secret inner workings of the robot known as Punjar. Wiiiiide tires, yeah.
Jim's Nightmare, on its side for some repairs. Check out that shadow!
Anklebiter, another new and improved middleweight robot. John armoured it with 1/4" titanium on top to make sure I wouldn't even come close to getting through his shell this year. He also brought a spare milling blade too :)
Cool Robots' newest robot, the heavy weight "Overkill". This robot was a really nice looking all CNC'd affair built by Christian Carlberg. Too bad the arena saws put that gouge in the bottom of it.
The new and more powerful arena saws did a lot of damage to a lot of other robots too. Here, Scott LaValley's robot DooAll looses some aluminum and sticker.
Ilya's new middleweight robot Blade Runner. He had some trick 1/4-3/8" thick kevlar armour. The whole thing was super tight. Good job Illz!
Curt and Amy working on Kill-O-Amp. Still sporting the 13" mags it had at Las Vegas along with a new belt drive system.
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©2000 Derek Young